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Sales-process Engineering

Defining a common framework for sales execution




The complexity in sales-process design

Optimising the sales process requires more than consideration of how closely aligned customer-facing teams are with the buyer decision-making cycle. The process must be agile by design, leverage specialisation of internal teams, and answer the question of how to achieve more with fewer resources.

The complexity is further compounded when selling multiple products and services, highly specialised applications that greatly impact the customers business, and in high-growth companies when gaining market share is prioritised over refinement of the internal procedures. These factors can contribute to disjointed or non-existent frameworks upon which to align team efforts, and the resulting lack of clarity and efficiency can detrimentally impact upon team morale, customer experience, and growth.


/ How we help

We use several models to highlight areas of improvement in sales-process design and empower our to clients reboot, re-engineer and implement scalable enablement frameworks that align customer-facing teams with modern buying patterns. This is the foundation upon which predictable revenue, technology implementation and automation are based.